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Waitakere Health Link

Waitakere Health Link AGM and Presentation on the NZ Health Reform

Chris Mules MNZM, Advisor to the NZ Health Transition Unit, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet provided an overview of the new structure of the NZ Health Reform and answered questions from the 40 zoom participants.

Watch the videos:

Waitakere Health Link AGM (27 minutes)

Waitakere Health Link AGM Guest Speaker: NZ Health Reform Presentation Sept 2021

NZ Health Reform Presentation by Chris Mules, Advisor to NZ Health Transition Unit, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (50 minutes)

Our Mission Statement

Waitakere Health Link fosters effective collaborative relationships between communities and healthcare providers through consultation, advocacy and monitoring.

Our Vision

Our vision is for community involvement in healthcare decision making processes to become part of the culture of our healthcare organisations and communities. Short-term consultation processes will no longer happen as structures and networks will be firmly established to foster ongoing dialogue between the community and healthcare providers.

Our Values

Community—serving the West Auckland Community is at the heart of all we do.

Effectiveness—our aim is to make a positive difference in our community.

Inclusiveness—we celebrate the diversity in our community by including everyone.

Transparency—we are open and honest in all we do.

Respect—we acknowledge the value of all groups and individuals that comprise our community.

About Us

Waitakere Health Link is a community driven organisation committed to improving health in West Auckland by promoting community participation in healthcare decision making and fostering collaborative relationships between healthcare providers and the West Auckland community.

Waitakere Health Link is an incorporated society. Anyone who lives or works in West Auckland can become an individual member with an annual subscription from $5.

We are interested in all community health issues and have established a wide network of individuals and organisations with an interest in health. We are a voice for the community and believe that better communication between healthcare providers and the community is the way to achieve healthier communities.

Our executive committee is comprised of nine elected Community Representatives from a variety of health sectors and ethnicities including representatives from Maori, Pacific, Asian and Disability. We also have entitled healthcare providers representing Primary Health Organisations, Auckland Council and Waitemata District Health Board.

Feedback from consumers about Waitakere Health Link…

“I have been involved with Waitakere Health Link and Health Link North  for some years now and been impressed by the growth of both.  It is a privilege to work with these people.

Their connections with the wider community are strong and relevant which gives them a great platform to advocate on consumer concerns.  With their growth, so have their professionalism, efficiency, and communication skills making them an essential resource for the WDHB.” Judith Lunny

“Research evidence shows that involving patients and their whānau/family in the co-design of health services leads to improving health outcomes and addressing social inequalities.  However, re-orienting our community health services so they include patients’ and their whānau/family’s voices is an on-going challenge.  Health consumer networks that embrace a community development approach and have strong community links are ideally placed to assist navigate this uncharted terrain.

Waitakere Health Link plays an important role in developing regional capacity to reorient health services, so they become more patient and whānau/family friendly.  Diverse health consumers’ voices are affirmed by the support that Waitakere Health Link both offers and provides.  As a health consumer representative I have certainly benefitted from such affirmation.” Judy Blakey